The Wilson-Bingham Family History Web Log

This is a web log or "blog" about efforts to publish the Wilson-Bingham family history in the form of a single hardbound book. Major family names being researched include Wilson and Bingham. If you feel your family history ties into ours, please post a comment to one of the latest postings. Please subscribe to get instant updates.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Wilson Bingham Book Progress Report - November 2005

In This Newsletter

Hello everyone! Time for this month's progress report.

1) My laptop computer, from which I do the majority of manuscript development, now has a broken screen. This makes it more difficult to get time to do the work because of the fact that I was doing the majority of it on the train commute to and from work. I'm working on transferring all the files to another computer, but it will probably take another week or so to sort it all out.

2) With the new content sent to me by Ruth Young now transcribed into electronic form, there is now much more text in the manuscript. Chapters 1-5 and 9 and others are even more filled and in various stages of editing. There is now a total of over 150 pages in the current manuscript. Once I get my computer situation figured out, I'll be able to weave these individual texts together to form a chronological whole. This is getting exciting!!

Here is the latest list of the items that will help move us towards our publication date of July, 2006.

1) The outline (initialoutline.pdf), in the "Files" section of our group web site, is still current. Please review it for any information you can provide. I am still in need of more information from each family, including full and maiden names of spouses, names and birth orders of children, etc. Everything highlighted in yellow is something that needs attention. Please let me know if you are having difficulties opening or reading the initialoutline.pdf file.

2) If you have any computerized versions of your genealogy information, no matter how complete or incomplete you believe it to be, please forward it to me via e-mail. You can send it as a GEDCOM or PAF file.

3) I would like to start extending our mailing list to the descendants of "the Wilson cousins". If you have email addresses, mailing addresses, and phone numbers for your immediate and extended families, please email them to me and I will invite them to join the list.

4) If anyone is interested in helping me to find pictures of or photograph monuments, houses, and other locations associated with our family history in Utah, please let me know. I'm in Illinois, so it's a little hard for me to get "back home" to take original pictures or do other "on the ground" research.

Thanks to all who gave me updated phone numbers. It looks like I now have a full contact list for the first generation of the Wilsons.

Thanks to all for your time and willingness to see this through to publication.


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