Wilson Bingham Book Progress Report - March 200
You can submit these to me however you like, whether it be by postal mail, on a tape cassette, via e-mail, or using Google Docs. If you have any questions, please let me know.
I've also prepared an online calendar for everyone to refer to so that you can see the tasks that are ahead of us. If the March 31st deadline is met by everyone, then I will have the materials I need to simply edit and rearrange the text and then typeset it.
Just click the icon below to see the calendar. I've also summarized the major events in the timeline below.
Saturday Mar 31 Biographies and Autobiographies due
Sunday Apr 1 Edit, rearrange, research details, proofread,
Monday Apr 30 Order printer's proof copy. Final manuscript
to Lulu.com as PDF.
Tuesday May 15 Printer's proof should ship
Monday May 21 Receive/review/edit printer's proof
Monday May 28 Submit for final printing, Set up online
store for book, Send out promotional email
Tuesday May 29 Do layout of photo album
Tuesday Jun 5 Upload photo album to online service, Order
printer proof of album
Wednesday Jun 20 Receive/review/edit printer proof of album
Saturday Jun 23 Submit photo album for final printing, Set
up online store for book, Send out promotional email
Tuesday Jun 26-30 Tentative date range for reunion - Salt
Lake City
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