"New Wilson-Bingham Family History
Blog, as I'm sure many of you are already familiar, is the abbreviation for
web log, or a journal posted regularly directly to the web. I have decided to publish information about our book effort publicly online to see if it could draw in others researching our lineage and possibly provide more data and historical background to us. All the search engines will be able to find what we put in our newsletters (I carefully edit out anything personal or private like addresses, phone numbers, and emails).
On this blog, found at
http://wilsonbingham.tripod.com, you will be able to quickly access past newsletters without having to remember a password or username as with our Yahoo! Group. (That still exists though as a place for storing the majority of our "stuff").
So what's so different? Well, if you don't like e-mail updates, or they keep getting lost in all the spam, you can use a Feed Reader software package to subscribe to our blog and read the posts as if you were subscribed to a newspaper or magazine. You control subscription and unsubscription and there is never any spam to worry about. It's easy to do. Just visit our feed link at
http://feeds.feedburner.com/wilsonbingham and follow the instructions there. Very self-explanatory, but if you need help, I'll be happy to provide it.